14 Display of data

Displays should follow the objectives of the catalog, allowing a user to browse at will through the works of an author, the expressions of a work, the works related to a work, or the works about a work, without inefficient cluttering of the screen with data not relevant to the user's needs.

Effective and efficient displays should be available that allow a work identifier to be displayed among many other work identifiers, an author identifier to be displayed among many other author identifiers, and a subject identifier to be displayed among many other subject identifiers.

If a user has done a keyword search on transcribed or composed data or chosen from a list of controlled terms, he or she should be given a display of normalized human-readable identifiers for the works matched; if such a search matches some but not all expressions, title-manifestations, serial titles, or manifestations making up a work, the expressions, title-manifestations, serial titles, or manifestations matched should be prioritized in the display that results when that particular work is chosen by a user.

If a user's search retrieves a particular work, all expressions, title-manifestations, serial titles (of serial works), and manifestations of that work should be displayable, as well as all related works and all works about the work, in separate arrays.

If the user's search retrieves a particular expression of a work, all title-manifestations, serial titles (of a serial work), and manifestations of that expression and all other expressions of that work should be displayable, in separate arrays. Additionally, works related to the work and works about the work should be displayable in separate arrays.

If the user's search retrieves a particular title-manifestation of a particular expression of a work, all other title-manifestations and manifestations of that expression and all other expressions of that work should be displayable in separate arrays. Additionally, works related to the work and works about the work should be displayable in separate arrays.

If the user's search retrieves a particular serial title of a particular expression of a serial work, all other serial titles and manifestations of that expression and all other expressions of that serial work should be displayable in separate arrays. Additionally, works related to the work and works about the work should be displayable in separate arrays.

If the user's search retrieves a particular manifestation of a particular expression of a work, all other title-manifestations, serial titles (of a serial work), and manifestations of that expression and all other expressions of that work should be displayable in separate arrays. Additionally, works related to the work and works about the work should be displayable in separate arrays.

If the user's search retrieves a particular creator, it should be possible to display all the works of that creator in an easy-to-scan, alphabetically sorted list of human-readable work identifiers. Once a particular work is selected, and only then, all the expressions of that work should display, along with all the works related to it and all the works about it, in separate arrays.

If the user's search retrieves a particular subject or a particular genre/form, it should be possible to display all broader, narrower and related subjects or genre/forms. Once the user selects the subject or genre/form of interest, it should be possible to display all the works on that subject or in that genre/form in an easy-to-scan, alphabetically sorted list of human-readable work identifiers. Once a particular work is selected, and only then, all the expressions of that work should display, along with all the works related to it and all the works about it, in separate arrays.

The display of a particular work should begin with the data elements that describe the work and then proceed to display the data elements that describe the different expressions of the work. Once a user chooses to display a particular expression of the work, the data elements that describe the various manifestations of that expression should display for the user. Optionally, allow the user to choose a display that includes all expressions and all manifestations without compression in a logical and easy-to-scan array.

It should be possible for a user to choose to display all matched creators in order by surname or in order by forename.

Ideally, allow users to request to have a display segmented or limited using controlled terms. For example, allow a user to request to see only 16 mm. copies, only CD copies, or only online copies of a given work, of the works of a given author, or of the works on a subject or in a genre/form.

Ideally, provide the user to have the option of requesting the following different sorts of all of the expressions of a particular work:

by language
by date
by version or edition name or by edition number
by expression creator, such as editor, translator or illustrator
by publisher
by series
by edition statement

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